Poll: What's your favorite mod?

Ok, so this is the fourth Powered by Redstone Poll so far. Since the first poll I've been trying to use everybody's answers to help review things for the blog. So in this poll (and for every poll), I am going to use one person's answer to review their favorite mod on the blog. If your a person who makes mods, then you can post the name of your mod in the comment section below. You are allowed to say more then one mod. Whoever has the coolest or most unique mod gets their mod reviewed ( I will be looking at and/or downloading the mods you post). I have posted my favorite mod as an example in the comments below.


  1. My favorite mod is Single Player commands. It is a very creative and fun mod :D

  2. My favorite mod is either TooManyItems mod or the Zeppelin mod.

  3. I would say the yogbox.

  4. I love the TMI mod. I think its one of the most basic and easy mods to install and there's not need for instructions on how to use it because its THAT SIMPLE! I have it installed on all my minecraft.jar files.

  5. I just got Rei's Minimap and its awesome. TMI is my second favorite.

  6. Spoutcraft, It's technically a mod. And it makes every server even more special.

  7. Mo'Creatures

  8. Ok, so I will review the mod probably either on friday or saturday (I will post the username for the person who recommended it). In the mean time, you may still post your favorite mods :)


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