Adventure Corner: Melon Survival

This is Adventure Corner, where we review and discuss the most popular adventure maps.

For our second Adventure Corner, I'm reviewing one of the most unique adventure maps I have ever seen. Melon Survival is exactly how it sounds, it's a world made of mostly melons. You start out with a chest, a block of dirt, a tree, and a whole lot of melons. However don't judge a map by it's look, there are a good amount of challenges in this map. Some of these include taming wolves, building a cobblestone generator, finding monster spawners, go to the Nether, and making non-melon farms. If you choose to go hardcore, you can not eat the melons. Overall this map is a good break from serious maps, and I recommend it to anyone looking for fun.

Blocks: May place and destroy all blocks
Mode: Survival
Length: Long (depending on how fast you complete the goals)
Minecraft: Minecraft 1.2.5
Notes: If you choose to go hardcore, you must not eat the melons.
Score: 9/10

Download: Minecraft Forums


  1. that. is. awesome.


    Elle a tout vu, Anna Sam. Le voleur qui cache un CD dans une boîte de camembert. La femme enceinte de trois semaines qui s'attribue la caisse prioritaire. Le dragueur: "Vous êtes ouverte?" Elle: "Ma caisse oui, moi non." Et cette mère qui la toise…


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