New scripting block coming in Minecraft 1.4?


Minecraft just got even more interesting. Jens, the main developer of Minecraft, just showed the world this new block. Supposedly, you can place it down, type a command into it, and it will perform the command upon being activated with redstone (torch, button, switch, etc). For example, if the command "xp 500 @player" was typed, the block would give the player 500 enchantment points. More commands have been demonstrated, such as "give @p 20 7" giving the player seven blocks of glass.

Considering the Minecraft 1.3 Prerelease has already been unleashed, this block will most likely wait until Minecraft 1.4 to show up. Are you excited to have a command interpreter in Minecraft? Leave your comment below.

Source: @Jeb_


  1. Jeb_ also stated a few more things, like being able to change difficulty with this contraption, and this could easily expand into something even more awesome. He also stated that this item would NOT be craftable, as only server admins and custom map-makers would be able to add this to any map, for obvious reasons.

  2. I could see a few possibilities, on my server when they put down a light switch it'll turn on this block and do a /nuke everytime... LOL

  3. Another great use is on adventure maps, instead of signs saying: "Switch Difficulty to Peaceful," They can now do that automatically. I can see this going in many different directions! Both good and bad.


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