Minecraft Most Wanted: ImmortalKingHD

This is Minecraft Most Wanted, where we show you the worst Minecraft players in all of the game.

It's time for another Minecraft Most Wanted! This guy's name is ImmortalKingHD, and he is simply welley34 with a new username. Literally, it's the same person. We reviewed ImmortalKingHD's server a few months ago with a positive review, and that has since launched his server into popularity. A few months later he started asking Powered by Redstone staff to advertise his server on our site (and we don't like ads as much as you do). He even wanted to join Powered by Redstone, with no writing experience whatsoever. It got to the point where me and Adam (co-owner of this site) got ourselves banned on purpose, and we never got on the server again. It was around the same time his Minecraft Most Wanted article was posted.

Fast forward a few months later, he got a new face and server name. What's more is that he had made a copy (that's right, a copy) of Powered by Redstone called Digital Emeralds (more info on that soon). He has banned most of his original players on his server as well. I tried contacting him the other day asking that he take down his site, and he responded back saying that I was 'jealous' that his server was more popular than this site (which it's not, if you are curious) and that he would take down Powered by Redstone with a DDoS attack. For those of you who don't know, DDoS is when a bunch of computers from the same person go on at once, and crash the site. Our structure makes sure that DDoSes don't happen very often, thankfully. So open up your blacklists once again, because welley34 has a new name.

Send in your Minecraft Most Wanted Requests to poweredbyredstoneblog@gmail.com.


  1. he looks like captainsparklez...
    im not banned on the server i guess when he redid the server that everyone got unbanned lol

  2. HAHAH Welley would DDoS something?!? I see him buying a zombies in darknet xD

    Welley: If site is not hosted on 10 years old terminal in owner's home with 512 Kb/s net, you wouldn't be able to DDoS anything... Yes, even your sandwich.

    PS: Actually you can DDoS a big websites with 20 - 40 Zombies using VERY complicated SSH key generation attack, but welley, you are too dumb for this.

  3. ahhhh i want that skin

  4. Can't you sue him for copying the website?

  5. That makes no senese how his website only has about lesss than 500 total veiws this website has way more... people these days just cant be "original".

  6. I'm sure I could, but lawyers are quite expensive.

  7. Im the owner of DiamondSurvival, I know that welley is a terrible person, he used to be an admin on my server, One day he left us and started a new server. All my builds were copied! He banned me, so i bought 5 minecraft accounts to spy on him. unfortunately, all fo em get banned...
    And as an Owner of a server, I wont let the oppertunity to get my server popular, presenting new ideas, and letting players having fun in my server. We can discuss about this, you can write a review for my server and then we will discuss about it! Email me: arnoldlam99@hotmail.com skype: arnoldlam99

  8. haha, you call this poser "most wanted" what a lamo, he doesnt know the first thing about being hated. ive been banned from 365 servers in counting, i have 3 other cover profiles and every griefing/hacking mod there is to get. if this guy thinks hes soooo terible. I DARE HIM TO PROVE IT. he cant possibly hack/grief my lock-down ultra security prison server.


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