Minecraft Most Wanted: welley34

This is Minecraft Most Wanted, where we show you the worst Minecraft players in all of the game.

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The fifth entry in our most popular column comes from personal experience. This player is more than just a player, he owns a server. This person got popularity from our site after we reviewed his server, and the review has since been removed from our site. He continually asked our staff for more advertising like posting videos about his server, asking for free advertising space on our site, and even wanted to become part of our staff without writing experience. Welley here has cussed at his server's players and staff, and has banned both me and Adam Fickle from his server. He also has a huge temper that is often taken out on innocent players on both his server and others. Finally, he is the only person to be banned from comments on Powered by Redstone. Overall, he is simply a terrible person to play Minecraft with. If he ever comes on a server with you, don't even bother to help him.

Update: It seems Welley here has made several new commenting accounts just to threaten us that could hack into our website if he wanted to (which he can't, in case you didn't know), and cussed a lot. I already deleted his comments, but that was a general summary. While on the topic it seems that some comments are stuck in pending, which we apologize for and are fixing. Anyways, back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Send in your Minecraft Most Wanted Requests to poweredbyredstoneblog@gmail.com.


  1. Dude, remove that.

  2. I could take your website down if I wanted... But I won't.

  3. And You can't actually ban me from the chat as you said... You don't know be JUDE

  4. Wow. Honestly, you kind of deserve it. I mean, he reviewed your server, and you got too greedy. If everything he stated was true (and this blog never lies), I would instantly ban you from my server if you ever came on. You good sir, are going on my blacklist.

  5. That just means you can't do it, not that you aren't going to. :P

  6. I seriously doubt it, considering that we host our site on a secure web server with 24/7 protection and the latest security fixes in Wordpress. But I'm pretty sure you are just bluffing anyways...

  7. Way to stick it to him! :D

  8. Dude, you've created three new email and Disqus accounts just so you can comment on this article. And if you are talking about your website, sure. If you are talking about mine, I'll call the police.

  9. I definitely couldn't take down your website but if i could i wouldn't i love this site :-}

  10. dont you mean bad sir?

  11. Yeah I know, I have had a long break from work :/

  12. I was on Welleycraft earlier and welley's younger brother started cussing me out when i logged on. Then welley wanted to ban me Because I was defending myself. I agree, welley is a terrible person to play minecraft with

  13. Wow, that really sucks. Great to see you here Crofter :D

  14. Yea thanks. Started reading the site finally and its really cool.

  15. Haha, a lot of convert WelleyCraft players are on here too. Welcome to the club :)

  16. LAWL im not banned anymore!

  17. I tried too, and I wasn't. As soon as I talked I was banned XD

  18. that would explain welley saying "COrBiN!!!!!!" on the server. as soon as i saw that i logged off lol.

  19. Wow :D The funny thing is that I didn't do anything but say hi. For real :/

  20. wow. he is so mean that he'll ban someone for saying hi. just wow.

  21. He banned me for no reason cause my brother was on and tryed to get me banned that he did and im his girlfriend he broke up with me for no reason


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