Do you want Powered by Redstone forums?

Now that the Digital Emeralds thing is in the past, I want to focus on something I've been secretly working on for a few months. I really want to add forums to Powered by Redstone. In basic terms, it woud allow people to make forum topics and the staff of the site (and other forum members) would communicate with them. Readers will be able to make an account on the site, and start posting right away. But it's not ready to be put in right now, because we would need to a) revamp the site layout and b) rework the comments system. But my question to you is: would Powered by Redstone forums be a really cool idea? Please take a second and leave your vote. If you want to leave a comment or email us, that works too.


  1. would we still be able to comment on posts?

  2. Of course we would, it's probably just going to be another tab at the top page where we can ask questions that aren't related to posts

  3. Yes you would, we would never take that away :D

  4. That sounds amazing. I would honestly visit this more than Minecraft Forums! :D

  5. Tomorrow RedstoneModder becomes archived.... D:

  6. Perhaps in the about me section, below the "columns," put like an "Archived" section, that includes old, abandoned projects?

  7. i can see your sad.

  8. Why would he be? He's the main dev now :D


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