Minecraft Snapshot 13w05a released, mostly bug fixes

Some snapshots are bigger than others, and this is a smaller one. This week's snapshot was pushed out by Nathan Adams and includes fixes for seventeen bugs, multiple snow hights, team-based functionality for redstone scoreboards, and an adjusted balance of bonemeal. The bugs that were fixed include spawn protection not working, furnace minecarts dropping minecarts and TNT, and several bugs related to the new redstone functionality. See the source link below for all the fixes and the download.

Source: Mojang


  1. 3rd comment!!!

  2. i think if the redstone update is out there will be many bugs because they add new redstone like the sand duplicating glitch comes back

  3. 6th commant
    keep the chain going

  4. They aren't adding new redstone as far as I know, only detectors.


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