Introducing N0VA, our official modpack for the Technic Launcher!

novaAs you can see from the title, our first Minecraft modpack 'N0VA' is now available to download! Basically, this is a modpack that adds many useful additions to Minecraft without taking away that vanilla feel. Unlike modpacks like Tekkit, N0VA can run on top of the latest version of Minecraft! All worlds created in N0VA are backwards-compatible with vanilla Minecraft as well. Here are the mods included in N0VA:

  • Minecraft Forge - this is the base of every Minecraft mod in the pack.

  • Not Enough Items - this mod is one of many inventory editors for Minecraft, allowing you to spawn items ingame. It also allows you to change the gamemode and look up crafting recipes.

  • CodeChickenCore - the core of mods created by user chicken_bones, including Not Enough Items.

  • Inventory Tweaks - this mod sorts items in your inventory and chests, commonly used as part of the Tekkit modpack. It also has lots of keyboard shortcuts to make sorting faster.

There are more mods that will will add at a later time, like OptiFine and Single Player Commands (we are waiting on approval from the SPC mod creator for permission) as well as several exclusive features. To install our modpack, open the Technic Launcher and click Vanilla, click Options, type (that's nova with an 'o' not a zero), click Empty Cache, and login. N0VA will automatically patch these mods into your Vanilla install.


  1. This is awesome! Perhaps you could look into putting some of Powered By Redstone Community's Mods in here? *cough mine cough* xD

  2. I am in development of Compaction, which is a mod that allows you to compact items down. (i.e. 1 block is a 512 cobblestone block, to save space.) I am working on all the blocks you can condense, which is extremely time consuming. I also have a few others, but they are further back in development. My mods all run off of Forge.

  3. Also, with the newest version of the Technic Launcher (On Windows anyways) it has 3 Custom Pack options, so you can install them there if you still want the Vanilla pack not modded.

  4. But... I do realize that you want it to be true to the Vanilla experience.

  5. By that I meant that I want saves to be backwards compatible with Vanilla (eg - no new block IDs). But maybe in the future I can make another modpack with community creations :P

  6. Oh. I see. Well that's fine!

  7. Are you going to add reis minimap to this?
    You should also add voxel menu

  8. I might add Minimap, but I would have to get the creator's permission first. Not sure about VoxelMenu, because I don't know if I could get the menu separate from the VoxelBox modpack.

  9. The next update will come either on Friday or next week with an updated Minecraft Forge and the 'Better World Generation' mod (and maybe one other one) built in.

  10. here's the box it gives me:

  11. when i hit options it only gives me this screen, i cant find the typey box thingy!

  12. fixed it never mind!

  13. You need to reinstall the technic launcher sometimes it doesnt update itself well

  14. u dont says any 1 can use it in a mod pack

  15. When ever i try to switch to my survival invenotory in creative mode it crashs

  16. No offence, but that would be a bit weird in survival... maybe you could put on a setting that turns it on and off?

  17. hey corbin, maybe you could "recruit" a few users on here to be mod/modpacks bug finders? ive already found a few myself :)

  18. can´t you add optifine? please?

  19. did that it gave me the HELLO thingy. i have a mac :(

  20. It's supposed to do the Hello thingy. After that you should see the N0VA logo.

  21. i dont it just freezes and i have to force quit it....
    btw i use a mac...

  22. could u add Keybind Mod and also add optifine (find them on Google)

  23. We are working on Optifine, and the Keybind mod looks really cool so a maybe on that.

  24. Huh, might be the Forge version you are using. We will put out a new update soon (as in today or tomorrow) with an updated Forge which might help.

  25. :) thx just saws it now :P

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