A question to our readers

PokeballRecently I bought a copy of Pokemon White for the Nintendo DS system, and it's become one of my favorite games. I was doing some research on a few Pokemon inside the game, and I came to the conclusion that there really is not a centralized source for Pokemon news. There are a few news-type sites, but not ones that post regularly or share community-made creations.

So my question is to our readers that also happen to be Pokemon fans: would you read a blog in the reading style and visual layout of Powered by Redstone, but about Pokemon? I don't have a name or logo for it yet, it's just an idea right now. Let us know what you think in the comments, and in the poll below.

[polldaddy poll="7097797"]


  1. Well I love Pokemon and think you should make a blog regardless of votes. Although it isnt everyones cup of tea.

  2. I don't like Hokecon but i agree with SkyLaksa56

  3. I just feel that

  4. As long as you don't take down this one, you just make another i think that it's a great idea. But if it's going to replace this one then no because i love this blog!

  5. Of course not, they will be side-by-side :P

  6. Yes please! Do it regardless of votes as Skylar56 said. Pokemon is amazing!

  7. I could help out with it if you want, Corbin. Just email me.

  8. Truthfully, no matter how many yes or no votes, make it.
    I think it's all about your opinion on making it and how you advertise it.

  9. Seems like a good idea! I don't really like pokemon, but as long as you update regularly on PBR too, I think its a good eay to get more popular :)

  10. as long as this blog stays regular i am ok

  11. Ya! So can I!!!

  12. it doesnt matter how many votes. I went to a regional event and saw at least 500 people. and thats only from 1.5 states! MAKE IT!

  13. Thank you so much for making the site!!!!!

  14. whoa man, don't comment if you have something bad to day

  15. A name suggestion, ''Powered by Pikachu'' (with a picture of Pikachu of course)

  16. It's already made :P It's called The Pokéball.


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