Mojang responds to Minecon 2013 ticket petition, says the issue "was that too many people wanted to buy, not that anything broke."

f696e4711a8d1f3cdc400eb99182b537The debacle that is the Minecon 2013 ticket sales has become even bigger. Earlier today we wrote about a petition to refund existing tickets and resell them on a different site. We asked you to retweet and share the post on Twitter and Google Plus respectively, so Mojang would see it. Today Marc Watson from Mojang tweeted, "Getting tweets and emails asking for Minecon tickets. Sorry everyone, but I don't have any part in that process." One of our readers, Jonatan Korgaard, tweeted the link to our article to him shortly afterward. Marc replied to Jonatan, saying:
"This will never happen. The "issue" was that too many people wanted to buy, not that anything broke."

Jonatan replied with, "It's just unfair to the people that didn't get to go." Marc in return said, "I can understand that. But if everyone who wanted to go did, we'd sell 100,000 tickets." A little while later, Marc replied to another tweet from Jonatan by saying:
"I'm not aware of any crashes. Thousands of tickets sold in seconds. The system held up pretty well. But we're not interested in making money, we're interested in running a good show. Minecon is not E3."

In other words, Mojang has appeared not to make any plans to resell the tickets. But, as co-author Timothy said, it might not be a good idea. Timothy had this to say:
"They need to figure out a solution. Taking back the tickets and reselling I don't think is a good idea. But for the people that intended on resale they should be able to turn the ticket back in. And there could be another set of ticket purchases, after the resale tickets are taken down that is. Whatever happens simply nothing is not a good idea."

Honestly, at this point I do have some sympathy for Mojang. They could keep the tickets and the thousands that couldn't get in would still not get in, they could return the tickets and make the thousands who waited angry. In this situation, I don't think there is any possibility to make both parties happy. Additionally, dozens of Minecon 2013 tickets are arriving on sites such as eBay. These tickets have a bidding price of well over $500 USD, and according to Marc from Mojang, "Don't know the legality of the situation, but I hope we can get then taken down."

As a sum-up, Mojang likely will not be refunding or reselling Minecon 2013 tickets (despite the petition now having over 100 signatures). If you still want one (and extremely bad), you should go hunting on places like eBay before they get taken down. Other than that, you are just plain out of luck.

Source: Twitter (thanks to Jonatan in the comments for sending us the link!)


  1. this is just unfair me and my family wanted to go so bad that we wanted to go to the 2012 one but no you guys won't even give this to a family of four that really wants to go and right now my brother is crying because he waited i whole year to go he just looked on eBay but my dad isn't going to let us buy only four tickets and this is exactly what my dad's saying right now we can't go because only for two tickets is 800 USD this is just, just not fair at all i'm an 8 year old girl that just really wants to go in fact i'm almost crying right now.

  2. If Mojang made an exception for your family, they would have to do it for everyone. It's just not feasible :/

  3. Last year you sold more
    I think one more batch would be fair

  4. No, last year they only sold 5000

  5. I found out you where selling them on the last day,I tried but they sold out with in 30 seconds,I really hope I can go next year but for now I will wait. :(

  6. This probably would not have been as bad of a situation as it has been if the people who fairly clicked the green "Order Now" button and were waiting in line ("great minds think alike!" - yeah right) received their tickets.instead of being sent back to the main page with a pending status. It's like checking out an item at a store and having it walk back to its shelf when you're about to pay. -.-

  7. man i wanted to go to 2013's in 2012 and i am sooooooo sad that they are sold out my mom even said we could go but i guess not :(

  8. ikr my family was the same thing

  9. I missed all mc cons so far...
    And now i gotta wait a year more :b
    ♂ ♬
    So yea hopefully i reach it next year

  10. Excluding the poorAugust 7, 2013 at 1:56 PM

    This is so unfair they knew loads of kids like me would want 2 go. tthe only tickets you can get are too expensive I will never get 2 go because they wontt have it in florida again

  11. Why not NEXT year (it's too late now) sell two batches of batches and have the tickets be for one day only instead of two, doubling the amount of people who can go.

  12. But they would need to find a place to keep twice as many people.

  13. By the way that was on your site.

  14. 7,356,659 people like minecraftt. Why do you have only 7,500 tickets?

  15. Also I bet 7,356,659 people wanted to go.

  16. I so hope this works out, its so unfair if no one can go!

  17. As mentioned in the article and several places in the comments, the convention center can only hold so many people. I don't think there is any physical area that can hold seven million people. Mojang would have to buy a small country.

  18. I spent up till December planning this... I even did more to raise my allowance >:(

  19. You can rent liechtenstein.

  20. Wow i lost hope in all minecon's coming up....Hope it work's out :/

  21. I understand that minecon can only handle 7,500 but OCCC can handle up more than 40,000 people which surprises me so why not adding another batch of 2,500 tickets will that hurt so much?

  22. Another event could be going on at the same time. Staff and people at booths also add up to the total allowed.

  23. I think this is completely fair! There is no need to resale. No all of minecrafts over around 30,000,000 fans (counting pocket and xbox along with PC) will ever be able to go to a mincon. they would need to rent some sort of fairly large country. Your just going to have to deal with the fact that they did a good job and mabie next time you will get to go. Life's tough, deal with it.



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