Minecraft adware clones filling mobile app stores, users beware of spam

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We covered before that Minecraft is a popular choice for game developers to clone, but sometimes they just copy the name. Recently dozens of games that appear to be Minecraft have appeared on mobile app stores, and only end up being filled with adware and advertisements. Although many of these types of "games" are taken down by the App Store/Google Play Store, sometimes they can be visible for weeks or even months. The one above has only been available since yesterday, but already has been downloaded by thousands of users.

We want to remind all our readers that if you want to buy Minecraft, buy it straight from Minecraft.net or with a Minecraft gift card from a popular retailer. For Pocket Edition, make sure to get the official version from the Apple App Store, Google Play Store, or Amazon App Store. Don't download any other apps or games that falsely appear to be Minecraft or Minecraft Pocket Edition, unless you are willing to risk it.

If you are on an Android device, NEVER download an APK of Minecraft Pocket Edition you find on the internet (these are not verified by Google, and often do far worse damage to your device than ones found in the Play Store). In addition, you can always check the permissions of a game or application before you click Install (on Android at least). If you find an APK of Minecraft that needs access to your Phone calls, it's probably not real ;)


  1. Wow, seriously, the nerve of people. It's just wrong...

  2. It's taking advantage of people who don't know the official game from this crap. It's worse than wrong.

  3. This is why Apple take longer to release updates. It's worth it.

  4. My brother downloaded it. But when he got on it said no memory to play it so im on the wrb and I read this was bad app with viruses twice. Good thing it didint work.

  5. I hate it so much it makes Justin ANGRY AHHHHHHHH!

  6. do you know if the minecraft logo is trademarked? if not it should. I'm glad I discovered minecraft before I saw all the copies.

  7. I think so, but I don't think Mojang has ever taken legal action against another conpany. Except when they were the ones being sued for the name 'Scrolls'.

  8. its sad people make the app!

  9. People jsut can't be original sometimes >_>

  10. If you already have a version of MCPE installed and you try to install one from the internet, it'll usually ask you to replace since no two apps can have the same signature, just thought I'd add that :)

  11. Except installing one from the internet is piracy, and you shouldn't do that. If you like the game, you should support Mojang and buy the game.

  12. And putt-putt tried to sue them.

  13. Welcome to the internet. :D

  14. minecraft download mod apk unlimited minecon for Android to get endless hours of entertainment in a massive world where you can build anything you want.


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