Minecraft PE 0.9.0 probably won't be released this month

Mojang historically never gives release dates. They originally said on Reddit that Minecraft PE 0.9.0 would be released in the first quarter of 2014, which ended May 1st. Since then, they have denied saying a new release schedule saying, "MC:PE 0.9.0 will be released when all show-stopper bugs are fixed."

We estimated based on the current rate of development that Minecraft PE 0.9.0 could be released by the end of June, but that's looking less and less likely. If Mojang was to make a June release, the betas would already be done (or close to being done) and they would have submitted the update to Google and Apple. Unfortunately, even on the sixth beta release there are still numerous bugs that need fixing before a release can be made.

It's looking like Minecraft PE will be released in the first days of July at this rate.


  1. That is just crazy! I have iOS so I am just waiting for the stinking update to come!

  2. It's frustrating how they delay each update about five times. Just realese the stinking update !

  3. Well idk they can hammer out snapshots and updates in pc but mcpe well it sucks... and that is why I play pc now... LOL

  4. Everyone can be patient for a little bit longer. Hang in there everyone! I know it's frustrating but we can wait for a bit longer even if it gets released later. Even I'm dying for the update to come out but I can wait! :)

  5. So glad for betas right now, just wish that spawn rate would be fixed, its been in the past few updates:/

  6. In my opinion, They might not even release it to Apple and Amazon. They delay it like 50 billion trillion times

  7. If they don't release the update in 2-4 weeks I'm just going to quit waiting for the update and buy the pc version

  8. I already quit waiting and bought the PC version.

  9. Just release it's not like there would no bugs in it. JUST RELEASE IT ALREADY!!

  10. Does anyone remember when we thought 0.9.0 would come out in January to March?

  11. At least it will be the first few days.

  12. I got so tired of waiting, I just got the pc version, an awesome investment even though it costs 4x as much as pe

  13. Why is it taking so long for the next update to come out? How much does the PC version cost?

  14. Once they release the update after a week or two people will be complaining where is the next update.

  15. They have alot of work and there are only a few devs.Give some empathy.

  16. They are hardworking devs.It's not easy as you think.C++ is way harder than java so they take longer than pc

  17. If they release a game with a whole bunch of bugs, then it would downright unplayable and would severely tick off the fanbase more than anything. If anything, I would prefer to wait a couple weeks for a stable version, instead of having a buggy, unplayable mess of code.

  18. I know how you're feeling. I have IOS and I'm dying for the update to come. Hopefully we wait just a little bit longer

  19. It's playable, just really buggy, though I would agree that I'd like to wait alittle longer till it's got less bugs.

  20. $26.95, that's what I got it for

  21. Actually, Java is not even meant to run games and is MUCH more complicated than C++

  22. Juan Carlos SanchezJune 22, 2014 at 6:04 AM

    What's with people complaining about when the update will be out, it's summer, you guys can have fun during the wait, and I also want the update to come out but it's not easy to code a game, plus if you guys check out johan' s reddit, he said that the update is planned to be submitted by next week friday.

  23. I remember when it was supposed to come out by the end of may mojang needs to come out with more realistic release dates.

  24. I don't even care about pe anymore. I play Xbox edition my gamer tag is The Eagle 54 if anyone wants to add me and play with me.

  25. The Diamond CreeperJune 23, 2014 at 8:34 AM

    I know right?


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