August Contest: Make us a new logo!

RiI9zCnXHave you ever seen our super amazing logo and thought of something better? Well now's your chance! This month we are giving you the chance to try! Break out the Microsoft Paint, because here's how to enter:

  1. Make us a new logo! It has to be redstone related, square in size, and at least 300x300 pixels in size.

  2. Email it to us at or put it in the comments below.

We will pick one winner on August 31st, and that logo will be on our Google+ and Twitter pages for a week! Good luck!


  1. I would so do this, but I don't have access to email D: I could probably do a good job but what's the use

  2. If you like it enough will it be the official logo long-term?

  3. I think a piece of redstone dust will all black and gray pixels turned white would look good.

  4. this is awesome! to bad i suck at designing!

  5. He said you could also put it in the comments below. :)

  6. Same. I suck at drawing on computers.

  7. Won't let me, I try and it never sends. :/

  8. Try uploading it to, and then put the link in a comment.

  9. If you have a printer, you could draw on paper, scan it, and you would be finished! Unless you're like me and make it pretty on the computer.


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