Minecraft PE 0.10.0 development underway, will be released "in a few months"

Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.9.0 certainly took a while to be released, and even longer to release five bug fix updates. But 0.10.0 is already in development, and Mojang is aiming for smaller, faster updates. Johan, one of the main Pocket Edition developers, posted this on Twitter:
This week, I'm working on restructuring some of the code. Will in the long run reduce the number of bugs by a lot. This is also the first step for 0.10.0 and next week I will start working on skins.

Restructuring code won't necessarily help performance, but if OpenGL ES 2.0 is included in the update it could help. And before you ask - no, OpenGL ES 2.0 won't make your old device run infinite worlds any better.

Johan also revealed some additional information about the update. When asked if he had an estimated date for the release, he said:
Not yet but within a couple of months is the goal. Difficult to say when we depend on external services for a release.

And finally, one of the biggest features remaining to be added to Minecraft Pocket Edition is Redstone. We finally have an estimated date on that, but it's not anytime soon:
We have a few other things that need to be implemented for redstone to work but I'm hoping for the first half 2015.

So maybe in a MCPE 0.11.0 or 0.12.0 update. Or maybe by then they will call it 1.0, who knows? See the source link for the original tweet.

Source: Twitter


  1. First aw ya and get me on kik my user name is marcuslolcrazy and say fire 2 so i know ur on this website

  2. I discovered a bug, Water doesn't push dropped itrms

  3. There is a serious bug on iOS 6. Whenever the "20% battery" alert, multitasking menu, or any other alert or menu pops up, the game completely and entirely freezes. The sounds still work, but you can't move, mine, or even open the pause menu. Please let Mojang know about this, as it severely cuts gameplay time.

  4. 0.10.0 in a couple months! I'm very excited!!!

  5. That's why I got ios 7 ;)

  6. It's on iOS 7 too. When I open control center it does that.

  7. I saw this starting with 0.9.5 and I fix it by switching away to another app and coming right back.

  8. Do you know how to fix it? It's extremely annoying and it reduces my play time by about an hour

  9. It crashes when I switch apps and return

  10. Yep, I tested it. Weird, I didn't notice it in 0.9.0. But that's it for me

  11. they said a couple of months....everyone with experience with pe updates knows it will take longer.

  12. I'm a huge pe fan and when I say this I mean pro cactus and signs redstone stuff all type of stuff so i'm excited for it so yeah but it might come out in like December so but i'm still excited!!!!!!!!

  13. I think mabe Friday but there is mabe like 1% chance that will happen

  14. To find out more you should go to mcpe blog

  15. That's also with ios 7 it's the game not the version of ios!


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