Minecraft PE 0.10.0 will not have skins, will come 'in a few weeks'

It's been rather quiet when it comes to Minecraft Pocket Edition development, but developer Johan recently gave his Twitter followers some more information about the upcoming update (it was the first time he said anything publicly in a month!):
Todays job, fix the Android L version. Found out Friday that options file is saved and loaded correctly but not LevelDB. Fun! Skins will not be added in the next version, a few other things came up that needed testing. Still in the works though.

So there you have it, skin support in Minecraft PE is delayed yet again. In case you weren't aware, Android L is the code-name for the next major update to Android so it's nice there won't be any issues. This makes graphical improvements and bug fixes the only confirmed features for MCPE 0.10.0. Tommaso has tweeted the below list of features he's hoping to add to MCPE, with no indication of when they will come and/or what version they will be in:


He also tweeted earlier that MCPE 0.10.0 would come in "maybe two weeks" so at least it's coming soon. There you have it, MCPE 0.10.0 is probably going to be a very small update. See the source link below for more info.

UPDATE: Tommaso recently posted a comment on Twitter that's fairly interesting. He wrote, "0.9 required 7 months with substantial effort from me, Jens, and Jeb. Then everyone went on vacation for two weeks, johan has worked on other important stuff (not MCPE, unfortunately) until today... So basically 0.10 has been made by me only since the 15th of August. It's 21 man-months versus less than 1...
However we're releasing it as 0.10 anyway because we want to have small and focused updates from now on, to avoid the crash fest that 0.9 was. Or you can get absolutely nothing and wait until March 2015 for a big update :P"

Source: Twitter


  1. As glad as I am to have MCPE running OpenGL ES 2.0, I can't get past that skins weren't even included. Back in December, 0.10 (or 1.0 as it was known then) was going to have Redstone, the Nether, everything! And now, after taking away everything promised, and then taking away skins, it just doesn't seem right. Originally skins were going to be in 0.9, then 0.9.1, then 0.9.x, then 0.10 and now....? We're still waiting...

  2. I wish they added skins, but I can wait.

  3. What does the "Change Mode Button" mean exactly?

  4. It should have been written "Change gamemode button".

  5. The only real improvements I see are OpenGL 2.0 and boats.

  6. Johan recently tweeted out that there are new type of fences crafted from different type of wood planks :)
    Well thats a plus too


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