The future is here: Minecraft on a smartwatch

Very rarely on this site do I publish anything about myself - I don't work on Minecraft after all. But last week I bought the Samsung Gear Live, a smartwatch that came out earlier this year. The watch runs Android Wear - basically a modified version of Android that can connect to any Android phone. When connected, the watch shows alerts from your phone, and you can even install watch-specific apps.

But since it's still (modified) Android, and it's possible to manually install normal Android apps with a little bit of effort, I had to do the inevitable. I installed the latest version of Minecraft Pocket Edition to see if it works - and to my surprise it did!

Does it work? Yes. Is it playable? Not really. Even though it is fully playable as seen in the video above, it's incredibly difficult to play. The screen is only 1.6" in size, which means that unless you're an ant you're going to have a hard time playing it. I'll probably write a tutorial either on my personal blog or here detailing how to install the game, just in case you have some time to burn. Enjoy the video!


  1. That's awesome! But kinda depressing at the same time... :P

  2. thats crazy! btw with this comment i will be in top 3 commenters just fyi!! ;P

  3. the new 16 inch iwatch! now at your local apple store.
    that would fit nicely

  4. I think MCPE would work better on a Neptune Pine (Which is 2.4") rather than 1.6 square. Anyways, its just fun to have it ready... have you tried Clash of Clans?

  5. he said 1.6" not 16"

  6. I realize that, its a joke about screen size competition

  7. Wondering how did you install this :) Root + alternative launcher?

  8. Hey bros I just wanted to ask everyone to check out my minecraft channel. It is called The Minecraft Assassin. Thanks!

  9. Haven't been able to write the tutorial yet, but it doesn't need root or a custom launcher. Just installing the app manually with the APK.


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