Twenty-seven Bukkit developers jump ship in mass exodus

CraftBukkit is the most popular server software that exists for Minecraft, but right now it's in a huge mess. With the main developer attempting to shut it down, Mojang stepping in as the owner, and now legal issues forcing all Bukkit downloads to be removed, the project seemingly couldn't be in worse shape. Well, it just got worse.

Amist the internal issues arising in the Bukkit community, twenty-seven individual developers has said their farewells to the project. With so many developers leaving the project (including many that have worked on it for years) it seems like the end of Bukkit was we know it. Developer lol768 wrote on the Bukkit forums:
As a result of recent actions from both Mojang and Curse, I no longer have any desire to assist with BukkitDev or develop plugins for Minecraft. I'm hugely thankful to everyone who has helped to lead the Bukkit project and been involved in the community.

Another developer, Jade, wrote:
Hi, I’m Jade, I’ve been a moderator herTwenty-seven Bukkit developere at Bukkit for the past year and three or so months. Most of you probably know me, especially compared to someone like @lukegb. I’d rather keep this short.
Likely, many of you have noticed that I’ve been getting less and less active in posting on the forums, this has been due to my dwindling interest in Minecraft, I’ve just moved on. I’ve seen some wonderfully talented and skilled members of the community come and go, and I’m glad I had the chance to speak to them.

These and 25 others have quit Bukkit development, and it's very likely more will follow. With Bukkit powering most large Minecraft servers, and have yet to release a stable version compatible with 1.8, we are witnessing the end of an era.

(picture by sklare)

Source: Bukkit


  1. Nooooo!!! This better not shut down minecraft too xP but still very sad.

  2. all mojang wants to do is stop money going towards other servers, they want to control the servers.

  3. It's the EULA. The copyrights and other legal things state (in a nutshell);

    "You cannot make money for yourself by using my (mojang's) game, minecraft."

    They are simply following the law. Minecraft 1.8 was just released, and the community lost some stability, like at the 1.7 update. Minecraft will probably not shut it down.

  4. this is going to be very bad for mojang and it may come back to bite them...if servers lose bucket idk how the server community can hold itself up. so in other words: minecraft backs off or servers die. just my thoughts!

  5. Mojang has very little to do with this, a former dev at bukkit submitted the DMCA claim, downloads went down, and a bunch of stressed, exhausted bukkit team members resigned, it all was caused by Wolverness not Mojang.

  6. Minecraft probably won't shut down, but a large majority of servers will/won't update to 1.8 for LONG time. Until Canary, Sponge or Spigot takes over minecraft servers will have a very hard time surviving.

  7. Exactly, now Mojang has to support Bukkit (for the most part) alone. If you're going to blame anyone, blame EvilSeph.

  8. No, they want to make sure Minecraft servers don't become freemium, because that negatively affects both Minecraft and the community.


  10. Not only that, Spigot server downloads are down too! Bukkit and Spigot are ending! IT'S THE END!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  11. ok thanks for clearing that up! now y did the former owner try to shut it down? i forgot

  12. they just dont want minecraft to be a pay to win game right?

  13. this wont shut down minecraft but it may hurt some servers prity bad

  14. He didn't like the EULA and made a hissy fit.

  15. hopefully someone will save the day

  16. I like your fancy new "Mojang Style" avatar!

  17. So that means PocketMine is the ONLY server hosting software for any version of Minecraft...we're screwed.

  18. Uh, no. There's dozens more:

  19. this is the end
    and i know its copyright but still its sad

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