Major update for Minecraft on consoles in development, will bring consoles up to 1.6 PC

Minecraft on consoles hasn't got a big update in months - 4J Studios has been busy with porting the game to the Xbox One, PS4, and Vita. But now that those ports are finished (the Vita edition is currently in review by Sony), 4J Studios can focus on the next major update.

The next update, presumably TU17, will bring the console edition of Minecraft up to PC Edition 1.6. For those keeping track, that's three major updates in one update for consoles, since consoles are currently on about Minecraft PC 1.3.

TU17 will include (hopefully) all the features of the 1.4 Pretty Scary Update (which added bats, skeletons, beacons, mob heads, the anvil, new food, and new decoration), the 1.5 Redstone Update (which added compartors, hoppers, droppers, daylight sensors, quartz, and more), and the 1.6 Horse Update (which includes horses, leads, coal blocks, carpets, and more).

Because of the size of the update, and 4J Studios' regular development speed, there's a good chance the release will either come out at the end of 2014 or next year in 2015. See the source link for more details.

Source: Twitter


  1. anyone else notice the cactus look a lil odd?? might just be me

  2. Joe HampterwompterflupinshireOctober 3, 2014 at 11:03 AM

    I think this is unacceptable consoles shouldn't get any updates!

  3. Look fine to me

  4. I do not have live but I have found a workaround for it, that, as far as I know, is legal.

  5. I am currently running TU9, but my workaround will take a while to work.
    Obese Batman

  6. look in the bottom right corner. it looks like a rectangle!

  7. That's the FOV. Normal FOV still makes things weird. Like in the picture. That is completely normal.

  8. Umm, 1.4 didn't add skeletons

  9. he is right...wither skeletons where tho!


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