Check out this guy building a real-life crafting table

It's always interesting to see Minecraft blocks/mobs come to life through real-life creations. You may have seen a few Minecraft-themed carved pumpkins yesterday or a kid dressed up as a creeper, but here's something different. This guy created a perfect crafting table replica himself. Enjoy!


  1. "perfect crafting table replica" is a stretch, the top of the table is on the bottom :p....
    Other than that it is pretty cool!

  2. Of course we all do, we're humans (right?), but at the same time it does seem a little interesting that a mistake like that was made when in the video he had the instructions right next to him? I dunno, it goes with some other glitches in minecraft like the weird bed being backwards, sideways, turned half way thingy. What I really want to see is some one make a diamond sword on that thing!

  3. okay maybe, but by seeing his gear he looks like a professional wood crafter/cutter. His whole channel is about wood stuff. I doubt that you could be that professional and have mistakes like these on a regular basis. I'm sure that this is a one time mistake that does not happen often and was just a "oh man I forgot something" sorta thing

  4. He wrong placing the top of the crafting table... it should be on top.. but he place it on bottom


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