Minecraft name changing coming early next year, soon™

Back in May of this year, Mojang announced they plan to add name-changing to Minecraft sometime between 1.7.6 and 1.8. The 17.6 release actually built support for name-changing into the game, but it's still up to Mojang to flip the switches and turn it on.

Nathan Adams, one of the primary Minecraft PC developers, posted on Twitter that Mojang is now aiming for early 2015 for name changing. He didn't give a date or a month, but there's a reason why Mojang's unofficial motto is 'Coming Soon™'.

All joking aside, Nathan did also share a little more information about it on Reddit. He stated that after a user changes their name, "It does actually say when someone joins "foo, previously known as bar, has joined the server". However, your example with the name swapping wouldn't work because the old name will be reserved for some time."

(image from this youtube video)


  1. Let the insanity begin... ;)

  2. Yeah... It'll be hard to understand who is who.

  3. I'm not changing mine...
    PixelBucket makes perfect sense!
    Just a bucket full of pixels...

  4. lol same here! i do bet this will help big youtubers (like sky Mitch or Jerome) when playing on servers to be able to have an alt acc that they constantly change the name and skin on so they wont get swamped!

  5. they should have a cooldown of a few months or something


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