First build of new Minecraft launcher released, first steps towards a bright future

Last week we wrote about Mojang's plans to design a significant upgrade to the current Minecraft launcher. The new launcher - when it's completed - will make installing and playing the game far easier than it is currently. It places Minecraft in the Start Menu (on Windows), includes it's own version of Java, and hopefully other major changes in the future.

But Mojang is starting small, with the first 'real' release today. Technically there was a build last week, but there weren't any noticeable changes from the current launcher. The latest build installs itself as a program alongside all your others in Windows, and on first run downloads a 'runtime' (aka it's copy of Java). Besides that, it's exactly like the current launcher. Nathan Adams, a Minecraft developer, wrote on Reddit:
Thank you everybody who helped test the new Minecraft launcher for Windows! It was a huge success in our view, and we managed to find and fix a fair few issues. Now for the second part, we have a new installer for Windows that we want you guys to help us test!

The installer will run a newer version of the launcher we tested last week, which includes its own version of Java so you do not need Java installed to run Minecraft anymore. It will place the executables and busywork in the install location (default being Program Files), whilst keeping your game saves/etc in the current location (.minecraft, changeable inside the launcher itself).

You can get the launcher below for Windows (Mac version coming in early January, no Linux version in the near future), I've tested it myself and it works fine :)

Source: Reddit


  1. That looks like it's a REAL StartUp Wizard program! Epic!

  2. Oh boy! Making it easier for noobs and parents to install!

  3. That's because it is...

  4. I know… I'm saying it looks more professional.

  5. Good for noobs, but if you aren't admin on PC you can't install it...

  6. this is so cool.I hope it will allow me to change the directory in which minecraft is installed.

  7. it is giving me a "failed-network error" on chrome :(

  8. I'd ask how high you are but it's already in your name

  9. nice I will have to test it out

  10. […] More than nine months ago, the first test builds of the new Minecraft launcher were released for Windows. The launcher looks identical to the Java launcher already on Windows, Mac, and Linux – but comes with it's own copy of Java. This means there's less worries about keeping Java up to date, or fiddling with the updates. This is probably needed on Mac more than Windows – confusion between Apple's Java 6 and Oracle Java 8 can cause a headache for players. […]


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