Enderdragon battle having overhall for Minecraft 1.9

Minecraft was finally completed with version 1.0 released at the first Minecon event - and for the first time including an actual ending in the form of a boss battle. But nine major updates later, Nathan Adams is planning a complete re-do of the boss fight.


It's not clear exactly how much of a change there will be - will it just change a few mechanics or completely replace The End? It's too early to tell, but see the source link for the original tweet.

Source: Twitter


  1. dark souls style combat with skyrim boss fight music. bam!

  2. Finally. It needed an overhaul. Finally a necessary update. :)

  3. The End can't be replaced!

  4. that would be great.It becomes very boring in the end

  5. Yeah, it would benefit minecraft a lot, I have beaten the dragon with full chain armor, it's just not hard anymore, overhauling it and making it 1000% harder would really nake it fun! Also, the end doesn't really have anything useful there, if they made like dragon scale armor that would be so cool!

  6. awesome, but they should make like you get special weapons and armor from him, and then you have to fight an even Harder boss to beat the game. That would be awesome cause theres almost nothing to really get from the end except enderpearls and xp. Then you can't really do anything after you be a the enderdragon anyways :P

  7. maplestory2-mesos

    That makes two of us.

  8. psfifacoins

    it is a very good weblog and that i like it very much!


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