PocketMine Developer Shoghi Cervantes joins Mojang, will work on multi-player features

During the somewhat-vauge Q&A livestream Mojang broadcasted earlier this month, they announced three new developers would be joining the Minecraft PE team. And today we learn one of them - Shoghi Cervantes!

Shoghi has been well-known in the Minecraft PE community for quite some time now, being the developer of the PocketMine project. PocketMine-MP is the most popular Minecraft PE server, comparable to Bukkit and Spigot on Minecraft PC. It has a huge userbase and powers nearly every external server on Pocket Edition. He shared on Twitter:


It's not clear what affect this will have on PocketMine development. With Cervantes having developed 88% of PocketMine-MP himself (according to the GitHub repo), and solely developed many major plugins, PocketMine would most likely fade away if he quit working on it.


  1. I bet this is a plot by Mojang to get them more money. They hire their competition so it will be stopped being worked on and then everyone will spend money on realms.

  2. He made SimpleAuth!

    Also if him joining Mojang does get PocketMine shut down, that would suck. We already lost Bukkit, the PC Server Creator, and I don't wanna lose the PE server creator.

  3. It is unlikely that PocketMine will get shutdown in this case. Bukkit isn't lost it still available do to the fact that mojang acquired it.

  4. If you read the article carefully you would have read they did not hire the most valuable person therefor it is unlikely that there plot is true,not to mention the fact of PC servers remaining largely off independent servers do to obvious restrictions of realm.

  5. If he has developed 88% of PocketMine-MP, how is he not the most valuable person? And remember we are talking about PE here, not PC.

  6. thats nice.i wish someone would join pc development

  7. Oh that's cool! I have never been on a pe server before but I have seen gameplay and it is really well done for what it is.

  8. Oh yeah me too. That would be awesome.

  9. Bukkit is still around, it was acquired by Mojang long before the whole EULA thing happened. But since most of the major developers left Bukkit, it's a ghost-town.

  10. PE and PC hold many of the same boundaries and reasoning.Just because they lost one person does not mean they will crumple.

  11. Yeah!! Go Shogchips! Fix all the multiplayer bugs!

  12. LAN has so many bugs on PC I can't even connect to another computer! Please comment on this with a way to make an OFFICIAL Minecraft PC server so I don't hate to be annoyed by LAN anymore.

  13. Do you have ANY idea what LAN means in relation to Minecraft PC?

    It means that both PCs have to be on the same network and/or be connected via a LAN cord. If the server is not showing up on one PC, launch the command prompt (windows) and type "ipconfig". Look for the IPv4 address, and then use the port provided to fill this format: (IPv4):(Port)

  14. I know, I'm not SUCH an idiot.

  15. […] on the heels of hiring the creator of PocketMine MP, Shoghi Cervantes, Mojang has announced the next developer that will work on Minecraft Pocket […]

  16. […] for Minecraft Pocket Edition, powering most external servers for the game. Back in January, the developer of PocketMine was hired by Mojang to work on Minecraft Pocket Edition. Since then, Certvantes has been working to implement features […]


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