Video: Interview with Mojang about Modding API (parody)

Ah yes, the fabled Minecraft Mod API. The one that will, one day, make installing mods as easy as installing texture packs. But Mojang has yet to include it in Minecraft, despite announcing it back in 2010. So just like Half-Life 3, people have begun to joke about it taking so long.

It doesn't get funnier than that - or true. Hopefully Mojang will release the Mod API in Minecraft 1.9...or 1.10....or 1.15...


  1. That's hilarious. But so true. They wasted all of this time on Mod API...And probably will never finish it. They'll probably have to get Microsoft to update it just like they had to get Blackberry to update Minecraft Pi edition.

  2. The guy's laugh is the funniest thing in the video.

  3. Oh No... I wanted bukkit, thinking it was taken down for "Permits" but Mojang owns it!?!?!?!

  4. We wrote a detailed post explaining what's up with Bukkit here:

    Long story short, a guy who developed a lot of code that Bukkit uses declared copyright infringement on Mojang/Bukkit, since they weren't using his code with the correct license. Until Bukkit re-writes the code under their own license, it can't legally be distributed. This also applies to server software like Spigot that use the same code.

    Keep in mind there are still a few people working on it, and it's still legal to distribute the code for Bukkit, so people can just put it together themselves if they want to use it.

  5. Mods are already as easy as installing texture packs. The tricky part is getting a client to be able to connect to a server that has mods that the client does not have. I think that they're making it way more complicated than it needs da to be

  6. nice tooth he had there...

  7. Thanks, Corbin!

  8. Jesus Quintero and a freak know as "Risitas" from "Canal Sur", spanish TV.


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