Mojang releases first snapshot of 2015, it's an April Fools joke

It took four months, but the first Minecraft snapshot of 2015 is here. Unfortunately (or fortunately), it's an April Fools joke. Perhaps as a joke about it's possible ban in turkey, this Minecraft snapshot is for the "The Love and Hugs Update." Mojang wrote about it in their new blog post:
We thought long and hard about what the next update should be about. Over the last few years we’ve touched everything from survival to creative, monsters to blocks, overhauled the world itself and the way people play in it. It took us a while to come to a conclusion on where we should branch out next, but with some help of some recent public criticism we realized the true direction we should be taking with this truly inspirational game.

The snapshot makes it impossible to kill any animals (except for falling block glitches and planting trees). Imgur user redrusty1 took the liberty of uploading an album of some of the snapshot's changes.


Worried about getting blown up by a creeper?


They explode into flowers!


Lava buckets have been renamed to Cheese buckets. I'm glad gold bars hasn't been renamed to butter, or else SkyDoesMinecraft's fans would have an aneurysm.

iU8XLgZHitting animals results in them loving you.

There's numerous other changes, but why not just grab the snapshot for yourself? Go get it from the source link below.

Source: Mojang


  1. they putt more effort into it than the real update there working on

  2. What have you done microsoft...

  3. is this gonna be the official 1.9

  4. this is messed up

  5. I love it. I love it so much.

  6. just noticed: No hunger bar :P

  7. Your comment totally matches your picture :P

  8. lol they have too!

  9. it says that the new transportation is a dirt bike, I CAN'T FIND IT PLEASE HELP ME FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!!!!!!!

  10. I get snapshots using the normal mine craft on the PC, it is actually simple!

  11. i know but they havnt gave us any latly

  12. What one is it for


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