New 'shooting' weapons coming in Minecraft 1.9

So far the Mojang team has been pretty secretive about what's coming in the Minecraft 1.9 update, other than calling it 'The Combat Update'. But now we have the first confirmation that new weapons are being active. We think. Kinda.

Nathan Adams, one of the developers at Minecraft, dropped this hint on his Twitter account:

So basically Adams is working on some kind of weapon that shoots. While that may seem vague, which it is, this is significant. This would mark the first time Minecraft received a new weapon that shoots since bows were added - in Minecraft Classic Survival Mode Test 0.24. Hopefully we will get more details in the future.


  1. It wouldn't be a proper combat update without new weapons, would it? WOOOO

  2. Probably called the MC-47(instead of AK-47 :D)

  3. Juan Carlos SanchezApril 13, 2015 at 4:15 PM

    Weapons minecraft need (other than guns)
    1) Katanas
    2) Nunchucks
    3) Mace
    4) Battle Axe
    5) Machete
    6) Dagger
    7) Butcher Knife
    8) Saw
    9) Club
    10) A Trusty FryingPan to hit hard and protect yourself from rain.
    11) A slingshot.
    12) Dynamite.
    13) Grappling hook.
    14) Cannon.
    15) A Stick of fighting.

  4. I want a frying pan.

  5. If you saw the April Fools snapshot, you could see that there are different kinds of arrows. Dunno if that is it or not, however.

  6. Guaranteed 100% critical hits.

  7. sticks need to do extra dmg for sure

  8. Sorry for the swears.

  9. My Dis account is weird, so I will just say that if the snapshot for 1.9 is real, I will be ****ing mad. **** you, Turkey.

  10. Things I want for the 1.9 update:
    Coconut Trees(The Gray wood)
    Enchanted Boats
    Cloud Blocks which you float on them!
    A dog without a collar(Can be turn on or off in options)
    Atmosphere(Like waves, grass and leaves waving)
    Bigger Boat That allows to ride up to 3 players!
    Enchanted things without the violet thingy(Can be turn on or off in options)
    Better FPS(Darn you lag)
    Throwable Bricks(Make it Vanilla like the Horse!)
    More Paintings(Thanks Redstone Ninja!)
    Trees have more Branches
    Bird eggs
    Cook-able Egg
    Solid Apples showing on Oak Trees which you use right click to pick it
    New feature for glass that when you jump on it, It breaks much like real life!
    Bigger Villages(Has a hospital, bigger farm, and school)
    Villager having dogs
    Wolves change color when tamed(Much like ocelots)
    Thunder Enchantment(Summon a lightning when you hit something!)
    Pumpkin without carving(Crafting is needed for the carving)
    Mud(You will sink if you land on it! Commonly found on Swamps)
    Place-able bowl and can be dyed(You can place food on it and eat it!)
    Stronger Dropping(Hold Q to throw item)
    Flags(Like banners, but horizontal waving thing)
    /pause and /start Commands(/pause stop the world from moving except and /start now you guess it)
    Steel(Stronger Items!)
    Ender Diamond(Strongest of all!)
    Craft-able Armor Stands with Arms
    Textures can now have Modeled Player Skins(Like 3D Glasses and Hair)
    Killer Bunnies become bloody after killing a Player
    Place Clocks on walls without Item Frames
    Remodeled Squids(Has T shaped on its head and heart shaped thingy on the tip of its tentacles)
    Ducks(Much like chicken but loves to go in water and has their own meat)
    Bridges occurring on some ravines(When lots of Players walk through the bridge, it will break!)
    Ender Dragons sometimes walk on land and now breath End Fire(Gives the End Poison effect, which is more faster,stronger than normal poisons)

    Still Thinking for more!
    Fishes are Salmon, Clownfish, Normal fish, and Puffer Fish.
    Salmons are only found in Rivers. Clownfish and Puffer Fish is found in the Sea or Ocean. The Normal fish is found on any water biome(except waterfalls)

  11. Please...we don't need a shooting weapon-- we need the FALCON PUUUUUUUNCH

  12. Am I missing something? How does this show a new shooting weapon?

  13. FFXIV Gil

    I do not know what you are saying

  14. […] New ‘shooting’ weapons coming in Minecraft 1.9 – … – Weapons minecraft need (other than guns) 1) Katanas 2) … sticks need to do extra dmg for sure. … (Like 3D Glasses and Hair) […]


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