Minecraft for consoles updated, adds PC crafting, more items and blocks, and new settings

Today Minecraft for PS3, PS4, PS Vita, Xbox 360, and Xbox One is getting a suprise update - just in time for Minecon. This update brings the version to TU25 on Xbox 360, CU14 on Xbox One, and 1.17 for PS3/PS4/Vita.

It's a fairly minor update, but it does include a lot of new features for console players - including new decorative items (new variations of Doors, Fences, etc), Iron Trapdoors, Inverted Daylight Sensors, Book and Quill (which you can use a USB keyboard with, or the Chatpad on Xbox), and Stained Glass (and panes).

It also includes superflat generator options, in-game options to change game mode/difficulty setting/weather/time of day/etc, and a few other minor features. This update also adds support for PC-style crafting, if you want to go old-school.

The update is rolling out to all platforms now, so if you don't have it, you shouldn't have to wait long. Enjoy!


  1. I've been playing since I got it this morning one thing that I found was if you put frequencies up all the way 4 a mineshaft and strongholds and super low ground they will float in the air

  2. I saw that in videos on YouTube. :) Guess that they have to go somewhere, huh? hehe


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