Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.12.0 released for Android

Mojang usually manages to release Minecraft Pocket Edition updates on the same day for all platforms, but this time things were a little different. Amazon jumped the gun and approved it days before the other platforms, then it was finally approved by Apple yesterday, and today it's available on the Google Play Store for Android devices.

At this point we've made three posts about 0.12.0 releases, but in case you still don't know what's in it, here's the big features from the app description:
Our latest free update includes the Nether and all its inhabitants, enhanced weather effects, cross platform play with Windows 10 Beta Edition, revamped controls, and lots more.Minecraft is a game about placing blocks and going on adventures. Explore randomly generated worlds and build amazing things from the simplest of homes to the grandest of castles. Play in creative mode with unlimited resources or mine deep into the world in survival mode, crafting weapons and armor to fend off the dangerous mobs. Craft, create, and explore alone, or with friends on mobile devices or Windows 10.

Nothing surprising, but it's nice that every platform now gets to enjoy this fantastic update. Let us know if you've tried it out already in the comments below.

Source: Google Play


  1. My mob grinder aint spawning mobs i need help with a good mob grinder plz!!!

  2. Its the mob spawner from 0.9.0 or .10 i dont remeber but it should work i dont know why its not

  3. i like your new icon;~) .and thank god 0.12.0 has been released

  4. I wonder why they released it on android last. Usually the update is released the same day on all platforms. Sometimes apple is a day late though. I am thoroughly impressed with this update. I wouldn't say it is better than the best, but it is definitely up there with the best updates that mojang has released thus far. I would say the next major update will be one of the best updates so far as well. I predict that after Redstone is added, Pocket Edition will go into the betas. I have several disclosed reasonings that would take far too long to explain in one comment. Anyways, I'm running out of things to say. Corbin, you still rock! Lol.

  5. I can't believe how quick that was out, we waited almost an year for 0.9 but this, it's AMAZING. Only redstone is lacking now.

  6. For the next stage....... REDSTONE

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  9. i hope in begin 2016 will be the update thats really cool

  10. Redstone will be next updateon Minecraft Pe!!!!!!!!! =D

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