Mojang trying out in-game Minecraft tutorials

Building a house is arguably the easiest thing to do in Minecraft, but it can be somewhat difficult to someone just starting out in Minecraft. Marc Watson at Mojang is looking into creating in-game Minecraft tutorials, starting with a simple house tutorial. As he explains, this is simply a sample of what could be possible with the rapidly advancing command block/resource pack features:
This map is a simple demonstration of a possible new category of Minecraft maps: guided, in-game tutorials. The map shows build progress through step by step instructions, and you can even go back to a previous step! Using a resource pack, I've provided voiceovers so players can walk through the build as they listen to the reasoning for that step.

Keep in mind that this is simply a jumping-off point for a new kind of idea- obviously, most of us can build a square house, but please take it a step further and create your own! Maybe you've got a villager UI and voiceovers like this map, but maybe you just have pressure plates and text. The idea is to have mapmakers experiment with ways to teach and inspire new groups of creators.

If you're at all curious about it, you can download it from Planet Minecraft below. Keep in mind this map requires Minecraft 1.8.8 or later.

Source: Planet Minecraft


  1. it may be better to just put tutorials on their website, I personally hate in game tutorials.

  2. This is really I dont have to be present with my small sister to teach her how to play minecraft

  3. For newbie only

  4. i agree with. you. i HATE tutorials


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