Redstone confirmed for Minecraft PE 0.13.0

Redstone is arguably one of the biggest parts of Minecraft in general, from simple automatic doors to building entire computers powered by switches. Redstone was originally one of the many features planned for Minecraft PE 0.9.0, and obviously didn't happen at that time.

It's been continuously put off to later versions by the developers, much like my math homework as the week progresses, but it's been officially confirmed (again) for Minecraft PE 0.13.

It's currently unknown exactly how many redstone features will be implemented in 0.13, but it's at least a start. We don't know much about the update at this point, but at least we have something to look forward to.


  1. When will the results for the PBR Build Contest be posted?

  2. I see lag in the future of PE

  3. Lag or no lag, I'm excited! I've been waiting for redstone for over two years! I'll probably have to wait another two years, though, the way Mojang/Microsoft's been releasing updates...

  4. Redstone is arguably one of the best features of mcpe, although the coding is very complicated and it causes your system to lag significantly, it is what makes Minecraft what it is today. I do not by any means think that they should bring this update to lower-end or lower devices, as this could crash the system entirely, such as lower end androids, and iPhone 4, 4S, iPod 4th Gen, etc. Corbin if you see this post, you rock.

  5. I can definitely see Redstone possibly being limited to newer devices, like infinite worlds was. And thanks ;)

  6. phones are gettin better as well dont forget the newest phone has 3 more gb of rame then my old laptop

  7. memusa guejominecrrath


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