Details about Minecraft's release

I may have made this blog a little too late in Minecraft development, because IGN says that the game is coming out on November 18, the first day of Minecon. IGN, on their page about Minecon streaming, says that it will also be available for Xbox 360 and iPhone on the same day.

Notch has posted a post on his personal blog about Minecon and that he is anxious to see what reviewers have to say about the game once it is out. He had this to say:
Next week is MineCon week. That means we’ll release the full version of Minecraft (which will be called “Minecraft”, and have a version number of 1.0. The current version is “Minecraft Beta”). We’ll keep working on Minecraft for a long time after the full release, but it’s a huge milestone.
So hang on to your hats everybody, 'cause Minecon is in one week!

Sources: The World of Notch, IGN