New Mojang game developer hired, may work on Minecraft

This is what Notch intends to do to Wollay.
Mojang has just hired another developer named 'Wollay' (his internet name), the developer of the popular Cube World game (not, not that Cube World). The announcement was sent out by Notch via his Twitter account earlier today. "Yeeah, we just hired @wol_lay, the man making Cube World... Cube World unaffected, still his private game," said Notch. He also said, "Our current plan is to plug his brain directly to a keyboard and sell whatever comes out.". As of the time of writing, it's still unclear what position he will take at Mojang, but we can guess it will have something to do with Minecraft since his most popular game also involves playing and defeating monsters in a world made of cubes.

Source: @notch (Twitter), Wollay's Blog