Server Review: Crysis Survival

This is the second Crysis Server I've reviewed so far. Personally, I enjoy this Crysis more than the Crysis Creative, much because I'm more of a PvP survival type of player. although this server is just starting off, it has become pretty good in the few days it's been up, but still has some work to finish (as in finishing the spawn city and adding more plug ins). Other things that are needed is for the market place to be finished and for the PvP arena (In the screenshot) to also be finished completely. There are some great things about this server though (even if it's just starting off), it has a great community of people and good admins that develop new stuff for the server every day. This server is great if you want to grab a group of friends and survive in the wild! I'm able to play on this server with my little HP Mini (a very bad laptop) and get no lag. All in all I would give this server a 9/10, because it still has some work to be finished.