Minecraft Most Wanted: TurdFerguson12

This is Minecraft Most Wanted, where we show you the worst Minecraft players in all of the game.

We are starting off this news column with a player named TurdFerguson12. True to his name, he is most certainly a 'Turd', because he is a horrible greifer. On the Ubudogia server, this player built a fleet of warships outside the peaceful town of Seaville, where even he lived. When the player Soldier_Nova was let on, he almost immediately wanted to kill him. After a series of unfortunate events, a nation on the server declared war on Seaville for a non-valid reason and Turd got in on the action. After allying with the leader of 'Desert Nation', this player bombed Seaville until there was only a tree left.

After the war ended, he still wanted more and planted deadly mines in what remained of Seaville. After disarming them, he delcared war again for no reason this time and destroyed the repaired Seaville. He was locked up in jail for his crimes and soon released. He bombed Seaville again for his rage, and was never banned from the server because he was 'friends' with the admin. So please, if you let this person on a server, make sure you have the jail plugin installed or you will be sorry.

UPDATE: He saw this post and told us, "Good, I'm glad to be on your stinking blog. It's made by ***hole writers anyway." We also learned that the server he greifed on became such a mess that the admin wiped the entire map.

Send in your Minecraft Most Wanted Requests to poweredbyredstoneblog@gmail.com.