This is Minecraft Most Wanted, where we show you the worst Minecraft players in all of the game.
Next in this column is V0RT3X_85, aka Cookie Monster. This player pretends to be a good friend, but has repeatedly griefed on the Ubudogia Minecraft Server and others. He is a master greifer and is highly recommended to be banned on anyone's server. He greifed so much that he got a new username and gave his old one, bob1900, to his younger brother. Don't let this person know where you live!
Send in your Minecraft Most Wanted Requests to
Next in this column is V0RT3X_85, aka Cookie Monster. This player pretends to be a good friend, but has repeatedly griefed on the Ubudogia Minecraft Server and others. He is a master greifer and is highly recommended to be banned on anyone's server. He greifed so much that he got a new username and gave his old one, bob1900, to his younger brother. Don't let this person know where you live!
Send in your Minecraft Most Wanted Requests to