Minecraft Snapshot 12w21a released, adds villager trading

It's Thursday, which means another Minecraft snapshot! This week is exciting, with the villager trading system we mentioned before now implemented. Also new is a 'currency item' (a coin), minor world generation changes, a new command that shows the world seed instead of finding it in the F3 screen, sandstone stairs, and more bug fixes.

This release also adds a block suggested a few months ago, the Ender Chest. This new chest shares the same characteristics of a regular chest, except it's contents are synced between every Ender Chest, even ones in the Nether and End. In the post's screenshot but not mentioned is a desert village, which also is new. Check the source link below for the original post and the download link.

Source: Mojang

Update: Also new are desert strongholds and Emerald Ore.