Minecraft Most Wanted: DataFaize & Co.

This is Minecraft Most Wanted, where we show you the worst Minecraft players in all of the game.

The fourth entry in our Minecraft Most Wanted series comes from a personal experience I had a few hours before writing this. After gaining creative on a server, DataFaize started greifing with water in the unprotected areas of spawn. When a mod saw him, he logged off and came back on two minutes later. When questioned, he denied that he did anything. Since the admin saw him do it, he was immediately jailed and started cussing at the admins.

After being muted, more and more players came on claiming to be the same person, just with different accounts. They were all cussing, to the point where all of the accounts were jailed and muted. After six more accounts from the same person were jailed, they all logged off except one, which was kicked. The user names other than this one included YOU_GOT_PAW3D, TGXCHA0S, Joshuaf14life, NGCH, woodyminecraft, and jobo1289. The person also claimed that he had hundreds of other user names that he didn't use. Watch out for this guy, he might greif and give your server a DDoS.

Send in your Minecraft Most Wanted Requests to poweredbyredstoneblog@gmail.com.