Wow, it's been a really long time since I talked about something other than Minecraft on here. But here I am with a bit of site news for you. When I created the site back in November 2011, I had no idea it would ever get this popular. Ever since it's creation, the site has been powered by Google's Blogger. Blogger is very nice for small blogs, like my personal blog, but not for big sites like this. As of now we only have two 'plugins' that are 3rd-party: AddThis (the +1 button you see below every post), and Disqus (the commenting system). There are many more plugins I would like to add to make the site even better, but I can't with Blogger. That's why Powered by Redstonehas moved to Wordpress.
Wordpress is an alternative blogging system that is much more powerful than Blogger. We also have a new theme that will make the site much better! I hope you enjoy the new stuff as much as I do. Diamonds to you :D