Zombies to wear their drops in Minecraft 1.4?

800px Zombie helmet

After the news that zombies might infect villagers was announced earlier today, developer Nathan Adams decided to let out some more undead news. Ever since Minecraft 1.2.3, a few mobs including zombies have had 'rare drops', which means that upon death a mob drops a little something special. You have probably come back from killing mobs to find an iron helmet in your inventory. Nathan Adams said on Twitter, "I think zombies that drop rare loot should be wearing that rare loot. Armour and stuffs. That could be fun to see." Zombies from Minecraft Classic Survival Test sometimes wore iron armor (as seen in the picture), but did not drop it. This was removed in later versions of Minecraft Classic, and hasn't come up since. Could a feature from the earliest Minecraft builds make a re-appearance? We shall see.

Source: @Dinnerbone