Adventure Corner: Kingdom of Nefrimact

This is Adventure Corner, where we review and discuss the most popular adventure maps.

Next in our list of great adventure maps is Kingdom of Nefrimact. This map was made by the same genius that created The Forgotten Land, and the similarities defiantly show. The map spans across an entire continent in the map, and is essentially a beautiful survival map. Villages, dungeons, and an End Portal are included. There is no rules as it is a survival map, although you should try to find the 11 music discs scattered across the map. All in all, this map is fun to play and will melt your eyes with beauty.

Blocks: May place and destroy all blocks
Mode: Survival
Length: Medium (depending on how fast you complete the goals)
Minecraft: Minecraft 1.3.1
Notes: There are no rules, so have fun!
Score: 9/10

Download: Planet Minecraft