How are you guys liking the new site? After I tried out a few looks when we moved to Wordpress, I understood that you guys really wanted something dark and simple like the old theme. Well today I've maid some modifications to the site design and overall functionality. First off, you can now share any post on Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, and Google! Just go to the article (click on the title if you are on the home page) and all the links are at the bottom of the post. This is like the AddThis sharing we had back when we used Blogger, but this is more built into our site.
The second change is removing the big 'Internet Defense Leauge' logo in the bottom right of every page. We joined the Internet Defense League back in July, which is a group of websites like and Reddit joined to fight things like SOPA. We are still 'in the leaguge, but we have replaced their logo with a version of our own, a plain white version in the bottom bar. It's a bit more subtle and blends in with the rest of our site. I'm thinking I should make it look like an Ocelot in Minecraft...
The third change is great for many of you. Back when we ran on Blogger we had a mobile theme, but when we switched to Wordpress we lost it. Now when you visit Powered by Redstone on an iPhone/iPod/iPad or Android device you can see the new mobile site! You can read, watch videos, share it, and comment just like on the desktop. You can go to on your device or scan that QR code up there to view it. That's the last of the changes, I hope you guys will enjoy them and let me know any problems you have in the comments :)