The Oculus Rift premiered on Kickstarter August 1st as a virtual reality headset - a device that immerses you in a compatible video game. After much publicity it reached almost ten times it's funding goal and was funded yesterday. But today Notch said on Twitter, "Just got a demo of the Oculus Rift, and am 100% impressed and will make 0x10c compatible with it (maybe minecraft too)." 0x10c is of course Notch's science fiction game under development, but making a virtual reality headset compatible with Minecraft could change the game. Imagine if moving your head in real life moved your skin's head. That's what it would accomplish. Obviously since Nathan and Jeb are doing most of the Minecraft work these days, Notch will have to swing it by them. But if this does happen, it would seem a lot of people would buy the headset.
Source: @Notch