Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.5.0 to be submitted tomorrow, a few weeks before release

Judging from all the comments on our last article about Minecraft PE 0.5.0, I would say you guys are very interested in when MCPE 0.5.0 is coming out. Today we have a more definable answer, which is "soon." Today Johan Bernhardsson, one of the developers of Minecraft Pocket, said on Twitter, "I think we will submit 0.5.0 tomorrow unless something strange shows up in the test. Will post images and maybe a video then." He also posted, "Aron is working on the test build now. Can't wait to try it out for real with several people."

If no serious issues show up in 0.5.0 tomorrow, then the update will head to the Google Play store, the Amazon Market, and the Apple App Store for review. By the time all three software providers give the thumbs up, it will likely be 2-3 weeks. This means that Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.5.0 will likely arrive near the previously stated 'mid-November' date mentioned in September. See the source link for the original tweet.

Source: Twitter