Today's snapshot has lots of small additions to Minecraft, as well as some major ones. The biggest addition are Witchs' Huts that now spawn in swamp biomes, and they look like a small wooden home with four support beams in the water. You can no longer open doors, pull levers, push buttons or open trapdoors using the left mouse button (so no more punching the door open). Flat worlds now have an improved configuration where you can select ravines, dungeons, trees, etc to spawn. For Minecraft adventure maps, creators can now specify custom names for some items although this is still very much under work. Firespread has been slightly toned down so you no longer destroy your Minecraft world with your fireplace. Slimes now spawn in swamps if it's dark enough, so don't be surprised if you bump into one of them on the surface. Finally, the beacon block texture has been altered. Get the download at the source link below.
Source: Mojang