At Minecon a new port of Minecraft was announced, called Minecraft Pi Edition. The port is a result of Mojang's team working to get a stable version of Minecraft working on the $25 Raspberry Pi computer. The Raspberry Pi is a cheap system-on-a-chip with 512 MB of RAM, two USB ports, an Ethernet port, and composite video/HDMI ports that aims to teach children programming at a cheap cost. The computer has been hacked to do other tasks, like being used as a media center or a game console.
But I'm sure you are interested in the Minecraft port. Well the Raspberry Pi Foundation posted some answers about what the port would be like and when it will be available. They said that the Mojang team has got Minecraft running 40 FPS on the older 256 MB version, with no report on the currently shipping 512 MB version. The Pi foundation also made a point to say that this version of Minecraft is programmable and moddable out of the box:
"All you have to do is set up a network connection to the running game, and then you can send text commands to control the world. This makes is possible to program in any language which supports network connections, and you can access the game from any computer which is connected to the Pi."
The game will be available for free by the end of 2012. See the link below for the original post, and we will try to upload a demo of the game when it's released.
Source: Raspberry Pi