2 Player Productions, a company revolving around gaming documentaries, has put up "Minecraft: The Story of Mojang" on their website to download. The movie reveals the story about how Markus Persson (aka Notch) became one of the most well-recognized indie video game figures in the world, about the story of his company Mojang, and about Minecraft's development. 2 Player Productions, instead of putting it on iTunes or Amazon, has a USD $8 DRM-free (so you can copy it onto all your devices) version available on their website at the source link. If you don't have the bandwith for an almost 3 GB download you can also order a Limited Edition 2-disc DVD for USD $20. I've already bought it and watched some of it, and I can honestly say 2 Player Productions has done an excellent job with the movie.
Source: 2 Player Productions