Many of you predicted what you thought yesterday's teaser meant - and only a few people got it right. We have had the same dull skins since the blog was published on Blogger, and I decided it was time to make new ones. These new skins are much more detailed in shading than the older ones, have more colors, and generally look nicer. The colors we have available are blue, green, red, white, and yellow.
You may recall our review of the MyFallen server not too long back. It's become my favorite vanilla server, so I wanted for me and the owners of the server to do something fun. We now have a MyFallen Purple skin with a redstone torch on the front and MyFallen's logo on the back. You can get this and all the other skins at the 'Skins' page.
I know a few of you might be a little disappointed a few predicted the release of our forums - which won't be for quite some time. Enjoy these for now, we have a lot more planned for this year :)
You may recall our review of the MyFallen server not too long back. It's become my favorite vanilla server, so I wanted for me and the owners of the server to do something fun. We now have a MyFallen Purple skin with a redstone torch on the front and MyFallen's logo on the back. You can get this and all the other skins at the 'Skins' page.
I know a few of you might be a little disappointed a few predicted the release of our forums - which won't be for quite some time. Enjoy these for now, we have a lot more planned for this year :)