Minecraft Pocket Edition 0.6.0 submitted for review, will have armor, clouds, and signs

With all the new features being added by Jeb to Minecraft Pocket Edition like bricks and a new sky, many are wondering when the release will come out. Jeb tweeted earlier, "Aron and I are putting final touches on the Pocket Edition update, that will be called 0.6.0 instead of 0.5.1." A few hours after that Johan (who worked on Minecraft PE before Jeb did) said, "To clarify, online multiplayer will not be added to this version. Multiplayer tests is for wifi only. More info on online multiplayer soon." Finally he tweeted a few hours ago, "MCPE 0.6.0 has been submitted for review. Armor, signs, baby animals, clouds and lots of other pretty things."

Source: Twitter