- Minecraft Forge - this is the base of every Minecraft mod in the pack.
- Not Enough Items - this mod is one of many inventory editors for Minecraft, allowing you to spawn items ingame. It also allows you to change the gamemode and look up crafting recipes.
- CodeChickenCore - the core of mods created by user chicken_bones, including Not Enough Items.
- Inventory Tweaks - this mod sorts items in your inventory and chests, commonly used as part of the Tekkit modpack. It also has lots of keyboard shortcuts to make sorting faster.
There are more mods that will will add at a later time, like OptiFine and Single Player Commands (we are waiting on approval from the SPC mod creator for permission) as well as several exclusive features. To install our modpack, open the Technic Launcher and click Vanilla, click Options, type http://poweredbyredstone.net/technic/nova.zip (that's nova with an 'o' not a zero), click Empty Cache, and login. N0VA will automatically patch these mods into your Vanilla install.