With PocketMine-MP, anyone can host their own Minecraft PE server on their PC, but that isn't an option for some. Terrible internet connection, outdated computer, bad router, or just a lack of knowledge can stop some from making their own servers. But it seems that at least one company has stepped up to the plate, and offer paid Minecraft PE server hosting. ServerCrate offers five plans, running from $10 a month for 1-5 players all the way up to $60 a month for up to 40 players. Mojang's own Pocket Realms has not finalized a monthly price yet, but a section from one of their help articles for the desktop Realms states:
We can assume that the same rules will apply for Pocket Realms as well. Therefore a server hosting service like ServerCrate's can be a very good deal for some. Additionally, ServerCrate allows for FTP Access (to install plugins) and a control panel. See the source link for plan details and pricing.
Source: ServerCrate
The subscription price per server has not been set, but will likely be around $10-15 per month. A Realms subscription allows you to invite other players onto your server, as long as they have a Minecraft account. Minecraft Realms is not intended to replace large, public servers. The amount of players on the server will be limited, and a whitelist is in place so that players can only join by invitation.
We can assume that the same rules will apply for Pocket Realms as well. Therefore a server hosting service like ServerCrate's can be a very good deal for some. Additionally, ServerCrate allows for FTP Access (to install plugins) and a control panel. See the source link for plan details and pricing.
Source: ServerCrate